Traveling through life with a timer and sneakers

HMR Thai-Inspired Spicy Peanut Chicken


My HMR Core class is full of awesome people who love to play in the kitchen. I look forward to our classes, but I also love the clinic time before when we have time to casually share how life is going, and even more exciting? What new creations people have made in the kitchen!

The following is inspired by my class and a couple of similar combinations that people have shared with me. I like to mix and match, so I didn’t combine the three components in the end, but you could just as easily toss it all in a bowl. This was perfect post-gym today and was my best take on this combination of flavors so I had to share!


Thai-Inspired Peanut Chicken

  • HMR Savory Chicken Entree
  • 1 tbsp PB2 original
  • 1 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tsp chili garlic sauce (use less if you want less heat!)
  • 1/2 tsp (or more!) powdered ginger
  • 1/2 tsp (or more!) powdered garlic

Heat a large frying pan on high heat. Spray lightly with canola cooking spray.

While pan is heating, it’s time to dissect the entree! Start by taking the chicken pieces out and chopping them into small pieces. Set aside. Then put the rice into the hot pan. Finally, take the gravy with the carrots and mushrooms and put in a small bowl.

The rice will take awhile to cook and due to the moisture levels in the rice, you will end up flipping it over like patties in order to get them brown and crispy. Don’t push down! You don’t want actual patties!

While the rice is cooking, add the remaining ingredients to the reserved gravy. Mash the carrot while mixing all of the sauce ingredients together to increase the creamy texture. I think it might be even better if you mix all of the other sauce ingredients in advance and store in the refrigerator. The flavors will meld and really develop.

When the rice is nearing finish (your desired crispiness – can take several minutes on each side and may require multiple flips), move rice to the outside of the pan to keep cooking. Add the chicken to the center (where the pan is the hottest) and allow chicken to brown, stirring occasionally. With the hot pan and the chicken already being cooked, this should only take a couple of minutes.

Finally, when the chicken has started to brown and the rice is ready, it’s time to plate and enjoy!

2 responses

  1. Looks very yummi 🙂

    December 29, 2013 at 7:31 am

  2. Pingback: Blitzing Dinner Party | Keeping Off 200 Pounds

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